Benefits For You

Case Study by Nukomeet  ·  11/2015

Benefits For You is a web application for issuing and managing benefit credit cards. An employer can order credit cards for his employees, charge them with proper amounts and/or cancel them at any time.

Project background

Benefits For You is a Swiss startup that aims to digitize benefits („tickets restaurants”). Instead of using paper, employers can simply manage their employees benefits from a web interface. The employees have credit cards that are automatically loaded by the system. The web application made by Nukomeet is the core process as it interfaces between the bank, the employer, the employee and Benefits For You team.

Our involvement

The role of Nukomeet was to conduct the conception and building of the application from the scratch. Through consulting with the client, we defined the needs and established detailed specifications and mockups that were used as a roadmap during development.

For this project we opted for a micro service architecture, i.e. we built several independent and loosely coupled services, each with a specific goal.

Nukomeet built set of tools for business process management in Benefits For You:

  • Application for Benefits For You platform management.
  • Application for cards management made for Benefits For You clients
  • Mobile application for card end user.
  • Application for communication with card issuer entity.

Services we have provided

Design + UX


We used Clojure on the backend and React on the frontend using ECMA 2015. Mobile application was built as an HTML application using ClojureScript and Reagent framework on top of Cordova.



Clojure is a modern programming language which is an extremely effective for building scalable software. The language is a perfect choice in the enterprise environment. It’s built on top of Java Virtual Machine.



React is a reliable, powerful and well-tested library used in production at Facebook and Instagram for building user interfaces with JavaScript. It is extremely efficient, as well as concise and lightweight rendering engine.


The impact of our work was to allow the client to start his business on a sound basis with a solid application built with up to date technologies for the long term. The application allowed the client to automate most of his business processes (managing credit cards, invoicing…) from day 1.

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